David_Phillips: NCSM Ville De Quebec Steaming ahead to Montreal from Oshawa
David_Phillips: NCSM Ville De Quebec and her escorts in Oshawa
David_Phillips: NCSM Ville De Quebec leaving Oshawa
David_Phillips: NCSM Ville De Quebec Sailors at attention in Oshawa
David_Phillips: NCSM Ville De Quebec in Oshawa
David_Phillips: The Pier At Night
David_Phillips: Lights out now lit
David_Phillips: Oshawa Lakeview Park 020
David_Phillips: Oshawa LakeviewPark 002
David_Phillips: Oshawa Lakeview Park 005
David_Phillips: Oshawa Lakeview Park 016
David_Phillips: Oshawa Lakeview Park 021
David_Phillips: Oshawa Lakeview Park 006