piotr.pl: Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
piotr.pl: fly boys
piotr.pl: Santa Clause is coming to town!!!
piotr.pl: looking forward for Christmas
piotr.pl: yellow monster
piotr.pl: something about the time
piotr.pl: different look for the same church
piotr.pl: need something?
piotr.pl: moon
piotr.pl: Reykjanesvirkjun
piotr.pl: Storm
piotr.pl: Moon 02.02.2009
piotr.pl: 1292
piotr.pl: Kartoflu kofi ;-)
piotr.pl: One of many ''Fisherman's day'' games ;-)
piotr.pl: Aerospatiale 332L-1 Super Puma
piotr.pl: Citabria
piotr.pl: Candy plane
piotr.pl: Huli and Pupi
piotr.pl: mr. fisherman
piotr.pl: Want some coffee?
piotr.pl: Full Moon
piotr.pl: Krisuvik hot spring
piotr.pl: always coca cola
piotr.pl: Moon 15.02.2011