PintosPics: a study in morning green...
PintosPics: a leaf
PintosPics: after the rain...
PintosPics: water of life
PintosPics: flowering maple...
PintosPics: first turning...
PintosPics: fall splendor...
PintosPics: a dash of fall...
PintosPics: decaying colors...
PintosPics: purple?....
PintosPics: brown...
PintosPics: morning lites...
PintosPics: warm morning sun...
PintosPics: morning gold
PintosPics: fall wisps...or fireworks over the city?
PintosPics: resting...
PintosPics: fall splendors...
PintosPics: washed hands...
PintosPics: a spinning seed...
PintosPics: fresh as spring...
PintosPics: red hands....
PintosPics: fern1
PintosPics: redleaf
PintosPics: golden memories...
PintosPics: spring fruits...
PintosPics: soft landings...
PintosPics: cast away...
PintosPics: _MG_8996
PintosPics: dewdrops on a broad leaf...