Pinot & Dita:
Leia & her face painting
Pinot & Dita:
Twisted building in Kuwait
Pinot & Dita:
The iPad in our craft drawer
Pinot & Dita:
Kuwait Subway restaurant
Pinot & Dita:
Finally. Indonesia's Rambutan (usually Thailand's). The price? Rp 100,000/kg -_-'
Pinot & Dita:
Sad Hello Kitty. Seems Arwen doesn't like her face painting
Pinot & Dita:
Cute display in one of Kuwait Apple store
Pinot & Dita:
Old Chevy
Pinot & Dita:
Bursa Mobil Bekas
Pinot & Dita:
Pinot & Dita:
Chicken shawarma (again)
Pinot & Dita:
And for dinner: chicken grill
Pinot & Dita:
Insanely Great. Bought this book in Q-Ta bookstore for only Rp 30,000
Pinot & Dita:
IKEA kids lamp
Pinot & Dita:
Apartment for rent
Pinot & Dita:
Two gold stars
Pinot & Dita:
Pre-winter di Taman India
Pinot & Dita:
Windows 7 in my MacPro. Forgive me Steve for I have sinned
Pinot & Dita:
WD MyBook
Pinot & Dita:
Potty pots
Pinot & Dita:
Innocent Chicken
Pinot & Dita:
Hanna's Klappertaart. Export it to Kuwait? cc @hkasino
Pinot & Dita:
Indonesia flag among others in Arwen's school (New English School)
Pinot & Dita:
The texture of @ditut
Pinot & Dita:
Arwen school
Pinot & Dita:
Ornaments of Arwen's school
Pinot & Dita:
Leia & @ditut
Pinot & Dita:
The shadow of the ornaments
Pinot & Dita:
Arwen's school
Pinot & Dita:
Baking the ftayer at Shamseen