Anything for thee Shot: A Golden Egg, No Goose to Go With It
Anything for thee Shot: The Tiniest UFO Tries to Make a Crop Circle
Anything for thee Shot: I Had a Dream That I Was Likeable...
Anything for thee Shot: Don't Worry, No One Got Hurt
Anything for thee Shot: Utilitarian Dinsosaurs Carving Up The Night
Anything for thee Shot: Time Keeps on Trippin'
Anything for thee Shot: A fight at the End of the Tunnel
Anything for thee Shot: The Moon Through Leaves, It Ain't a Puddle- We'll Discuss It Later
Anything for thee Shot: Blazin' with Your Mom
Anything for thee Shot: Sign of the Times
Anything for thee Shot: Orion and the Moon
Anything for thee Shot: Lowrider Under The Glow
Anything for thee Shot: Hazy Moon, Home for No Holiday
Anything for thee Shot: Manteca, Goddammit
Anything for thee Shot: Leaves aflame in the night lights
Anything for thee Shot: All it takes is a light
Anything for thee Shot: Beacon in the Night
Anything for thee Shot: Hollywood Theater
Anything for thee Shot: Hollywood Theater
Anything for thee Shot: Utilititarian Shadows
Anything for thee Shot: When the Lights Go Down
Anything for thee Shot: When the Lights Go Further Down
Anything for thee Shot: Ghosting Up in Lloyd
Anything for thee Shot: Dinosaurs of December
Anything for thee Shot: We Blast the Heavens
Anything for thee Shot: And they gazed up into the dizzying haze...
Anything for thee Shot: Pay Close Attention