PinkMoose: hustler on bourban street
PinkMoose: ballons for easter
PinkMoose: 10 seconds of the missipi
PinkMoose: dawn, 7 am, plane to NOLA
PinkMoose: double swimming pool
PinkMoose: simulacra
PinkMoose: two french chairs and a sub church landscape
PinkMoose: my knowing history includes slavery
PinkMoose: tommy boyce
PinkMoose: wide curved stair and balconly
PinkMoose: fsod
PinkMoose: neo classical broad, with a neo classical ass
PinkMoose: georgian revival pocket garden
PinkMoose: gallery of homoerotic paintings, photos and drawings
PinkMoose: nola cops
PinkMoose: clover grill
PinkMoose: faulkner qoute
PinkMoose: to go cups
PinkMoose: st louis cemetary
PinkMoose: red light bulb in make shift holder
PinkMoose: cornbread and biscuits
PinkMoose: mikey pointing, as magpie eats from empty plate
PinkMoose: Joan of Arc, St Louis Basicilla
PinkMoose: comically bad fantasy art
PinkMoose: two crocdiles, on the bottom of a shelf of toiltery
PinkMoose: carnivalesque
PinkMoose: here i try to be christenberry
PinkMoose: mansion on st charles
PinkMoose: traffic circle and modernist block
PinkMoose: session on transgression, boy on girl action