PinkMoose: Seeing this from the airplane
PinkMoose: The Bart Station at the Airport
PinkMoose: Modernist Design Element
PinkMoose: Wall of the FRench Instutite
PinkMoose: I have yet to figure out what these little trees are
PinkMoose: Greens
PinkMoose: Cedar or Redwood Cladding
PinkMoose: Orchid
PinkMoose: Detail from the inside of St Marys
PinkMoose: St Marys Cathedral
PinkMoose: Martin Luther Tower
PinkMoose: Flagstone,
PinkMoose: Green, Greey and Black
PinkMoose: Room of Empty Chairs
PinkMoose: The Chronicle
PinkMoose: Bechtle 2
PinkMoose: Appleby and Bechtle at Crown Point Press
PinkMoose: Teal
PinkMoose: Camcorder Fabric
PinkMoose: Golden Gate Park
PinkMoose: Another Palm Tree
PinkMoose: DE Young
PinkMoose: Bruce Nauman
PinkMoose: Paupa New Guinea Religious Figure
PinkMoose: Sushi Boat
PinkMoose: I loved this qoute
PinkMoose: Secuirty Gaurd Looking at Friedlander work
PinkMoose: Looking up at the Olfur Elison at SF:MoMa
PinkMoose: Obligatory Tourist Shot
PinkMoose: Bechtle One