Maryam Photography:
DAY THREE: “I didn’t know Linkin Park had a zoo!”
Maryam Photography:
DAY TWO: ”-6’C is not actual weather”
Maryam Photography:
DAY ONE: “And couldn’t this just be the best adventure I’ve ever had”
Maryam Photography:
DAY FOUR: “They have blowholes, what do you think they do with them?”
Maryam Photography:
DAY FIVE: “You can do anything if you just put your mind to it”
Maryam Photography:
DAY SIX: “You put ‘The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo’ in the children's section. DUDE.”
Maryam Photography:
DAY SEVEN: “DUDE. DUDE. I ripped my pants! You can fit your head in the hole!”
Maryam Photography:
Day Thirteen: "FASTER. FASTER."
Maryam Photography:
Day Twenty Two: "Seriously, jetlag can't last three days"
Maryam Photography:
Day Twenty: "Jetlag. Jetlag is gonna kill me"
Maryam Photography:
Day Twenty One: "More like FailFest"
Maryam Photography:
Day Nineteen: "Oh hai London"
Maryam Photography:
Day Eighteen: "There are only 30 people on the plane. PARTY"
Maryam Photography:
Day Seventeen: "Do you think if I help him get elected again Obama will let me stay?"
Maryam Photography:
Day Sixteen: "It's not Harry Potter. Seriously"
Maryam Photography:
Day Fifteen: "Pretty faces. Make pretty faces"
Maryam Photography:
Day Fourteen: "Maryam, it's minus 10 outside. Wear a damn coat"