by Janine: 365 Thank you
by Janine: 362 I *heart* Shamu
by Janine: 359 A place where I can go when I am lost, a place I'll find me
by Janine: 356 Almost a flower shot
by Janine: 354 Winter beach
by Janine: 361 I see you
by Janine: 357 This is a trap for hungry visitors who drive 5 hours to eat
by Janine: 353 Hang your heart in lights above me
by Janine: 355 Hiding behind a checkered hat so all anyone remembers about her is a bunch of brown squares
by Janine: 358 Bokeh Christmas week
by Janine: 352 From a house down the road from real love
by Janine: 351 Under my Christmas tree
by Janine: 349 My sunshine has left me alone
by Janine: We'll collect the moments one by one I guess that's how the future's done
by Janine: 348 I can't waste one more breath for you
by Janine: 347 The beginning of a bad day
by Janine: 296 Breaking up with the old apartment
by Janine: 294 I can has working remote yes?
by Janine: 293 Sushi for breakfast anyone
by Janine: 198/365: You know–one loves the sunset, when one is so sad
by Janine: 96/365: She only smokes when she drinks
by Janine: 250/365: Welcome to the Psych Ward: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
by Janine: 183/365: Scaring people early in the morning is a good way to start the day
by Janine: 343 Out of focus
by Janine: going tippytoes outtake
by Janine: 342 Tell me a secret
by Janine: 94/365: a watched plant never grows
by Janine: 75/365: nothing says i love you much sweeter
by Janine: 74/365: dead tired
by Janine: 73/365: fugly