Lady Detektive: Moon Shadow in Red
Lady Detektive: Mr. Cackles
Lady Detektive: birthday parking
Lady Detektive: birthday roof
Lady Detektive: serious happy hour.
Lady Detektive: note to self.
Lady Detektive: water lilies
Lady Detektive: huge wood owl.
Lady Detektive: is she about to say something?
Lady Detektive: perhaps she's an attendant to those on Mount Olympus.
Lady Detektive: dream stone
Lady Detektive: outerspace on earth.
Lady Detektive: fancy fuschia blooming
Lady Detektive: it's magic.
Lady Detektive: my heaven is like this.
Lady Detektive: an enchanted vine covered trellis and window, sadly facing a gas station, better to look into than out of
Lady Detektive: the train at burke lake
Lady Detektive: choo-choo
Lady Detektive: chugga chugga
Lady Detektive: the train
Lady Detektive: the lake today
Lady Detektive: vast expanse
Lady Detektive: blue disco in the grass
Lady Detektive: a clock inside a clock
Lady Detektive: smells like pledge
Lady Detektive: Ahhh! A candle!
Lady Detektive: I didn't even know we had a crest, or whatever this seal is. We're all pre-civil war & shit. (Not still -OMG that would be awful.)
Lady Detektive: two roads diverged
Lady Detektive: but as for the passing there, had worn them nearly about the same