Lady Detektive: All the beautiful branches, before the storm
Lady Detektive: My balcony before the storm
Lady Detektive: Tippy Tops, pre-storm
Lady Detektive: All These Trees (Before the Storm)
Lady Detektive: Before The Storm
Lady Detektive: Blizzardy Branches
Lady Detektive: Middle of the Blizzard!
Lady Detektive: Middle of the Blizzard Branches
Lady Detektive: Middle of the Blizzard Balcony 3
Lady Detektive: Middle of the Blizzard Balcony 2
Lady Detektive: Middle of the Blizzard Balcony
Lady Detektive: the aftermath at dawn, kitchen window view
Lady Detektive: the aftermath at dawn, there's a balcony under there
Lady Detektive: the aftermath at dawn,heavy branches
Lady Detektive: the aftermath at dawn, pretty sky
Lady Detektive: the aftermath at dawn, branches and the glow
Lady Detektive: the aftermath at dawn, natural snow sculpture on the balcony
Lady Detektive: The Darwin's for the Young Adult Crowd. 35 is young adult... right?
Lady Detektive: Great Style. Substance? Not So Much
Lady Detektive: Books for the Blizzard
Lady Detektive: I'm bundled up and ready for my post storm adventure
Lady Detektive: peace! It snowed. a lot.
Lady Detektive: snow! snow! snow!
Lady Detektive: holy moley, it's magical!
Lady Detektive: It's taller than my boots, people!
Lady Detektive: the long fun walk 011
Lady Detektive: the long fun walk 012
Lady Detektive: the long fun walk 013
Lady Detektive: the long fun walk 015
Lady Detektive: the long fun walk 016