Lady Detektive: a glimpse into the other places
Lady Detektive: a new batch of morning glories
Lady Detektive: mini hosta, the beginning
Lady Detektive: black eyed susan, starting
Lady Detektive: I hope to learn all of your names this year.
Lady Detektive: futuristic upcycle planter project
Lady Detektive: futuristic upcycle planting project in the making
Lady Detektive: ready to go outside?
Lady Detektive: lucky cat gardening
Lady Detektive: salvia, english daisies, ice plants & more
Lady Detektive: that reminds me
Lady Detektive: knee socks and nature
Lady Detektive: this plant went back to the earth. sorry pretty. i don't know what happened.
Lady Detektive: secret morning glories
Lady Detektive: planting frenzy about to commence
Lady Detektive: Totally Tempted
Lady Detektive: Peter's Gold Carpet
Lady Detektive: My boyfriend doesn't like sprouty things.
Lady Detektive: Portulaca in Bloom
Lady Detektive: Oxalis vulcanicola (Moltern Lava) in a pot I painted pink.
Lady Detektive: Lazy Daisy
Lady Detektive: You're Pretty!
Lady Detektive: Breakfast Bar Gardening
Lady Detektive: january greenhouse 1/26/08
Lady Detektive: glow succulent
Lady Detektive: balcony gardening
Lady Detektive: lipstick plant
Lady Detektive: in the pink
Lady Detektive: in the water soaked garden feet