Lady Detektive: lucy in the cat
Lady Detektive: purring for the camera, and falling asleep
Lady Detektive: lucy, love.
Lady Detektive: isobel is tired, or hunting...
Lady Detektive: I Love Lucy
Lady Detektive: protector of laundry
Lady Detektive: izzy in the cat
Lady Detektive: isobel - library kitty
Lady Detektive: no...alert.
Lady Detektive: no, wait... so sleepy! =^.^=
Lady Detektive: the sprawl and the goose
Lady Detektive: so sleepy
Lady Detektive: settling down
Lady Detektive: pretty love
Lady Detektive: not so secret love
Lady Detektive: lucy is sitting on isobel, just a bit
Lady Detektive: isobel loves the bolster and the very unmade bed
Lady Detektive: i put i spell on you...
Lady Detektive: post photo shoot friskiness. she gets very excited by the camera.
Lady Detektive: purring for pictures
Lady Detektive: isobel in her tent
Lady Detektive: lovely lady lucy
Lady Detektive: i don't just call her lucy goosey because it rhymes feet
Lady Detektive: i love lucy feet
Lady Detektive: fuzzy love