Pink Scarf: Matching pink
Pink Scarf: Cherry picking (literally)
Pink Scarf: The most macho mini-cupcake there is
Pink Scarf: Bread is like dresses, hats and shoes -- in other words, essential!
Pink Scarf: The between-time at weddings
Pink Scarf: In the palm of your hand
Pink Scarf: Signs of autumn
Pink Scarf: I like rice. Rice is great if you're hungry and want 2000 of something.
Pink Scarf: Strumming away
Pink Scarf: Twin tiny pine cones
Pink Scarf: Playing Scrabble
Pink Scarf: Winter is here
Pink Scarf: Happy Thanksgiving (Gratitude day 26)
Pink Scarf: Our single Black Friday purchase (Gratitude day 27)
Pink Scarf: Down time (Gratitude day 29)
Pink Scarf: Some people make the world special just by being in it.
Pink Scarf: Happy new year!
Pink Scarf: Tiniest levitation trick ever
Pink Scarf: John and the Mysterious Case of the Floating Lemon
Pink Scarf: A scoop of ice cream, Japantown-style
Pink Scarf: If you don't think every day is a good day, just try missing one
Pink Scarf: A bbq lunch
Pink Scarf: A handful of macaroons
Pink Scarf: Our first Taiwanese hamburger
Pink Scarf: Cutest leaf ever
Pink Scarf: A perfect day for a bbq
Pink Scarf: My favorite cookie + hand model
Pink Scarf: Trying out new places
Pink Scarf: That one
Pink Scarf: Homemade pizzas