▲▲: West Street Row V, bet Warren & Murray Streets, Manhattan
▲▲: Spring and Varick Streets, Manhattan
▲▲: Broome Street no. 512-514, Manhattan.
▲▲: Broadway near Broome Street, Manhattan.
▲▲: 264 Bowery, Manhattan
▲▲: Doorway - Tredwell House (Old Merchant's House) 29 E 4th St, Manhattan
▲▲: Fourth Avenue and 9th Street, Manhattan
▲▲: Macdougal Place, Manhattan
▲▲: Rhinelander Row - 7th Ave bet 11th & 12th Street, Manhattan
▲▲: Mulberry and Prince Streets, Manhattan
▲▲: Unemployed, Alleyway, West Houston and Mercer, Manhattan
▲▲: 144 Bleeker Street, Manhattan
▲▲: Washington Square North 121-125, Manhattan
▲▲: Washington Square Park, Manhattan
▲▲: Frame House, Bedford and Grove Streets, Manhattan
▲▲: St. Lukes Chapel & Old Houses, Manhattan
▲▲: St. Lukes Chapel, 483 Hudson Street, Manhattan
▲▲: Grove Street, No. 45, Manhattan
▲▲: Christopher & Bleeker Streets, Manhattan
▲▲: Jefferson Market Court, 6th Ave & W 9th, Manhattan
▲▲: Milligan Place, Manhattan