Pink Dispatcher: Inspecting the Engine
Pink Dispatcher: Slats on a Morane M.S. 880B
Pink Dispatcher: D-EAJB at Finow (EDAV)
Pink Dispatcher: D-EAJB at EDAV (Finow)
Pink Dispatcher: Socata Rallye 100 ST panel
Pink Dispatcher: Safety Briefing D-EAJB
Pink Dispatcher: Juliett-Bravo in Arnsberg for the Annual Airworthiness Review.
Pink Dispatcher: Nav Lights and Tail of a M.S. 880B
Pink Dispatcher: Socata M.S. 880 B-D in front of Hangar
Pink Dispatcher: Automatic Leading-Edge Slats on a M.S. 880B
Pink Dispatcher: Morane Front.
Pink Dispatcher: Pre-Flight Checks on our Socata M.S. 880B-D
Pink Dispatcher: Arriving for refueling.
Pink Dispatcher: The Panel of Socata M.S. 880B-D "D-EAJB"
Pink Dispatcher: Wing of our Socata M.S. 880 B-D at EDWO Osnabrück-Atterheide
Pink Dispatcher: Perfect Flying Weather
Pink Dispatcher: Murphy SR3500 Moose and Socata M.S. 880 B-D
Pink Dispatcher: Morane Saulner M.S. 880B-D
Pink Dispatcher: Flying into the Sunset
Pink Dispatcher: Thülsfeld Reservoir from the Cockpit of a Socata M.S. 880B
Pink Dispatcher: Turn to Final 24 Grass for AERO Friedrichshafen