Pingyeh: Bamboo carpenter bee
Pingyeh: Weevil, Macro
Pingyeh: Allotopus moellenkampi , Macro
Pingyeh: Eristalinus megacephalus : Spotted Hover Fly
Pingyeh: Butterfly, Macro
Pingyeh: Colorful compound eyes, Macro
Pingyeh: Damselfly, Macro
Pingyeh: Honey Bee, Macro
Pingyeh: Polistes wasp, Macro
Pingyeh: Robber fly with prey, Macro
Pingyeh: Eugnathus distinctus, Macro
Pingyeh: Ladybug, Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata
Pingyeh: Stag beetle, Macro
Pingyeh: Butterfly
Pingyeh: Dragonfly, Neurothemis ramburii ( male )
Pingyeh: Clelea formosana ( Female), Moth
Pingyeh: Mantis, Macro
Pingyeh: A little Ant on the Flower, Macro
Pingyeh: Macro
Pingyeh: Green Metallic Bee, Macro
Pingyeh: Phyllomimu sp. , Macro
Pingyeh: Red Milkweed Beetle, Macro
Pingyeh: Dragonfly,Macro
Pingyeh: Macro
Pingyeh: Aphid
Pingyeh: Red-banded Leafhopper, Macro
Pingyeh: Cazira vegeta
Pingyeh: Bee on the Flower
Pingyeh: Mesalcidodes trifidus, Weevil
Pingyeh: Butterfly, Parides eurimedes mylotes