pineider: Dublin: Gold ray
pineider: Eire: Celt Parade
pineider: Dublin: times
pineider: Eire: Celtic Crossover
pineider: Eire: Clon Mac Noise
pineider: Eire: Cliffssss
pineider: Eire: Rockabilly Cliff
pineider: Moher....
pineider: Moher....
pineider: Eire: Jump on Moher
pineider: Eire: Moher
pineider: Eire: Cows on the Moher
pineider: Eire: Black Head
pineider: Eire: The Cliff of Moher
pineider: Eire: The Cliff of Moher
pineider: Eire: Black Head
pineider: Kinvarra: yellow house
pineider: Kinvarra: Go Kinvarra!
pineider: Howth: fish and ships
pineider: Howth: blue chips
pineider: Howth: bettolina
pineider: Howth: Light.....big House
pineider: Howth: brightness
pineider: Dublin: the doors....
pineider: Dublin: The Oval Pub
pineider: Howth: footsteps
pineider: Dublin: whiskey.....
pineider: Dublin: the Court
pineider: Dublin: window1
pineider: Dublin: window2