Pinay New Yorker: Scribbling: 091113 - Hot day!
Pinay New Yorker: #believe:You are awesome! You were made for a purpose and you are beautiful inside and out. No matter what others may say, you are important and pretty wonderful. Don't ever let others make you believe otherwise.. #believeinyourself #positivity #postit #
Pinay New Yorker: In the midst of it all, celebrate YOU! There are many things to be admired about you,but friend! Begin by acknowledging them and owning the fact that you are an awesome person- no matter what others may think or say! #optimism #positivity #postit #sticki
Pinay New Yorker: On my way to better - think positive and keep your optimism in the face of challenges. No matter how difficult things may get, I hang on to the hope that this is a step closer to a better place. #optimism #better #wordart #stickies #postit #cursive #sc
Pinay New Yorker: "Friend- I don't need you to solve my problems. I need you to hold my hand.. " If you don't know what to say, then don't say anything. I just need you to be there. #friendship #friendtofriend #stickies #postit #cursive #handwritten #penandink #gothamch
Pinay New Yorker: Sometimes, the simplest way to make things right is to say "I'm sorry." One thing I had learned early on is the importance of owning up to your mistakes, whether professionally or personally, and partner that process is apologizing for what you had said
Pinay New Yorker: Sometimes the worst thing that you can do is not say anything.. "Do not allow the conversation to end. Do not fall silent and fade away." Even when I don't expect an answer, I can use an acknowledgment that you heard me. #listening #conversations #reac
Pinay New Yorker: Good morning! Note to self: time to think of me. We always tend to put others before us, but we must always remember we are important, too. Take care if YOu! #goodmorning #nitetoself #takecareofyou #YOuAreImportantToo #stickies #postit #cursive #penandi