Pinay New Yorker: The Louvre's Facade from Rue St Honore's side on Feb 24, 2005
Pinay New Yorker: Blurry because no flash was allowed
Pinay New Yorker: The Lobby under the biggest pyramid
Pinay New Yorker: Eglise Madeleine
Pinay New Yorker: Leaving the Louvre
Pinay New Yorker: Art,Art everywhere
Pinay New Yorker: Inside the Louvre, a reconstructed "dig"
Pinay New Yorker: The Lobby viewed from the entrance to Richeliu
Pinay New Yorker: Eglise Madeleine
Pinay New Yorker: Walking down Richeliu to view the Mona Lisa
Pinay New Yorker: Viewing the classics
Pinay New Yorker: Viewing the Louvre from outside
Pinay New Yorker: The lobby
Pinay New Yorker: Ornate ceilings of The Louvre
Pinay New Yorker: Da Vinci' St. John the baptiste
Pinay New Yorker: 24FebParis066
Pinay New Yorker: 24FebParis023
Pinay New Yorker: Inside the long hall
Pinay New Yorker: 24FebParis145
Pinay New Yorker: Propping the camera against one of the railings
Pinay New Yorker: One of Da Vinci's masterpieces that I sought out
Pinay New Yorker: 24FebParis065
Pinay New Yorker: St. Sulpice.. from where the Rose Line flows
Pinay New Yorker: 24FebParis213
Pinay New Yorker: 24FebParis200
Pinay New Yorker: Eglise St. Sulpice
Pinay New Yorker: 24FebParis197
Pinay New Yorker: 24FebParis211
Pinay New Yorker: Walking across the plaza