NeilCain: Fettling
NeilCain: Rubber Queen
NeilCain: New trail
NeilCain: Where eagles dare
NeilCain: Eagle's nest
NeilCain: Andreas spots a new line
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NeilCain: DSCF4803.JPG
NeilCain: Nuking chamois bugs
NeilCain: Everybody loves the sunshine...
NeilCain: Another flat
NeilCain: The Five
NeilCain: The Five
NeilCain: Neil repairs another puncture
NeilCain: Spanish beastie
NeilCain: Rear end
NeilCain: Brake dust
NeilCain: Brake dust
NeilCain: More Oranges than you can shake a stick at
NeilCain: Breather
NeilCain: Spanish version of the fabled alpine trough
NeilCain: Geoff
NeilCain: The Guns
NeilCain: Geoff on The Slab
NeilCain: The Slab
NeilCain: The Slab
NeilCain: Geoff tries to get Neil through The Slab
NeilCain: Neil tackles The Slab
NeilCain: Portman
NeilCain: Look! Naked German!