Pima County Public Library: Harry and the Potters Poster, artwork by Bookmans Entertainment Exchange
Pima County Public Library: Library Potter party staff
Pima County Public Library: Library staff (and friends) with Harry and the Potters
Pima County Public Library: Library staff and friends
Pima County Public Library: Library staff and friends
Pima County Public Library: Library staff with Harry and the Potters
Pima County Public Library: Harry (Maximum) with the Weasley twins
Pima County Public Library: Finnian, a rather bemused Baby Harry
Pima County Public Library: Harry (Maximum) at the Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Harry (Maximum) at the Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Wanted! Harry (Maximum) at Bookmans photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Hermione (Taylor) at the Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Hermione (Taylor) at the Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Cassandra (Umbridge), Jay (Kitch Rogers, Daily Prophet Reporter), Kayla (Hermione) at the Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Hogwarts student Ursula at the Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Fight evil, read books!
Pima County Public Library: Julia at the Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Julia at the Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Janet & Sarah at the Library photo booth (what a great Trelawney!)
Pima County Public Library: We love your homemade t-shirt, Hermione (Emeline)! (at Library photo booth)
Pima County Public Library: Alycia, Samantha, Nisha, & Julia at the Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Zamora and her Pygmy Puff at the Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Kati & Veronica at the Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: Andrea and Waris at the Library photo booth
Pima County Public Library: William at the Library photo booth