pillowhead: Canal shot #3
pillowhead: Canal shot #4
pillowhead: Canal shot #2
pillowhead: How many euro is that dog in the window?
pillowhead: One of these things is not like the other
pillowhead: Bikes!!!!!!!
pillowhead: The 2 forms of transportation that rule Amsterdam
pillowhead: Dingy down
pillowhead: Canal shot #1
pillowhead: Mushon, Kati and I rock Dutch pannekoek
pillowhead: Wee mobile
pillowhead: Shutters of DOOOOM!... or beauty. You decide
pillowhead: My killer Dutch ride
pillowhead: Bike light
pillowhead: Amterdam
pillowhead: The Rib Bar
pillowhead: Mushons "Finishing Move" on the ribs he later married
pillowhead: Yup I was in the UK.
pillowhead: Franked Mail??
pillowhead: Token UK pic
pillowhead: Some gate on my walk across London
pillowhead: Some gate on my walk across London
pillowhead: Don't look now there's a monkey near the tracks.
pillowhead: My jet had a mini golf course
pillowhead: Heathrow Lounge == The Hotness