: Thich Nhat Hanh
: Joseph Merrick
: D day
: Mohandas K. Gandhi
: Red Cloud
: Therese of Lisieux
: Anneliese Michel - Excorsistic Fibrosis
: Aline McGlocklin - The Serpent Handler
: Doug
: Ellen Anne Rogers. London England 2009
: Maria Sabina (Shaman and Healer)
: Damien Echols (Frustrated doesnt even begin to cover it)
: Genie (the feral child)
: Leonard Knight on Salvation Mountain
: Juan Matus and Ruby Haynes, Sonora Mexico, 2012.
: Richard 'Dugout Dick' Zimmerman
: Billy (can you see inside me) the Kid
: Bede Griffiths
: Anandamayi Ma
: Józef Stawinoga
: Sadhu Sundar Sing
: Thomas Merton
: Chuang Tzu
: Rabindranath Tagore
: Buddhist Hermit living in China's Zhongnan mountain range.
: Sodek
: Lao tzu
: Everett Ruess: A Vagabond for Beauty