PilauArr: C360_2011-08-31 16-19-31
PilauArr: C360_2011-08-31 16-19-16
PilauArr: C360_2011-08-31 16-20-58
PilauArr: C360_2011-08-31 16-21-12
PilauArr: C360_2011-08-31 16-21-32
PilauArr: C360_2011-08-31 16-21-57
PilauArr: 55/365 10/6/2011 - "Gimme that doughnut, it's mine!"
PilauArr: 58/365 13/6/2011 - Winston Brandon - looking cool in spite of the vet's finger 20 minutes earlier!!
PilauArr: 59/365 14/6/2011 - The power of food!
PilauArr: 126/365 20/8/2011 - Winnie and I writing Clyne Riders minutes!
PilauArr: 73/365 28/6/2011 - #How much is that doggy in the window?#
PilauArr: 147/365 10/9/2011 - Bathtime :-(
PilauArr: 37/365 23/5/2011 - Winston on a cute overload
PilauArr: 34/365 20/5/2011 - "I'm telling you, that's definitely where I buried it!"
PilauArr: 35/365 21/5/2011 - Why drinking beer and having a camera around is a bad idea!
PilauArr: 31/365 17/5/2011 - Winston and I having a cuppa and watching the miserable night set in.
PilauArr: 160/365 23/9/2011 - Winston nailing a table-top the only way he knows how!
PilauArr: 185/365 18/10/2011 - "Leave me alone. I'm traumatised. The vet's been doing unspeakable things to me!"
PilauArr: 227/365 29/11/2011 - Even Winston has a mo!!
PilauArr: 230/365 2/12/2011 - Lap dog in the lap of luxury.
PilauArr: 254/365 26/12/2011 - Vegged out in a turkey haze! :-D
PilauArr: 256/365 28/12/2011 - Honey.
PilauArr: 262/365 3/1/2012 - At least I can use the GoPro to film Winston's bathtime! :-/
PilauArr: 275/365 16/1/2012 - Winnie's cold!
PilauArr: 276/365 17/1/2012 - A watching brief.
PilauArr: 279/365 20/1/2012 - Bonio-cam :o)
PilauArr: 281/365 22/1/2012 - Yorkshire tartan.
PilauArr: 283/365 24/1/2012 - One handed dog walking photography skills (or not!)
PilauArr: 285/365 26/1/2012 - New toy! :o)
PilauArr: 343/365 25/3/2012 - Sun dog.