pilarkitty: Ryan walks up the stairs on our hike around Toledo.
pilarkitty: We hiked around the city walls to get a different view of the city. I felt like I was in a fairy tale.
pilarkitty: A view of the Alcazar from outside the city walls. It felt like a knight in shining armor was going to ride up to us.
pilarkitty: Ryan outside of the Catedral of Toledo. The cathedral of Toledo is one of the three 13th-century High Gothic cathedrals in Spain and is considered, in the opinion of some authorities, to be the magnum opus of the Gothic style in Spain. It was begun in 122
pilarkitty: Ryan in Plaza Zocovoder in Toledo. It was sort of touristy, but the only place we could find food during the siesta.
pilarkitty: A statue.
pilarkitty: Poppies outside of the city walls in Toledo.
pilarkitty: The Alcázar of Toledo is a stone fortification located in the highest part of Toledo, Spain. Once used as a Roman palace in the 3rd century, it was restored under Charles I and Philip II of Spain in the 1540s. In 1521, Hernán Cortés was received by Cha
pilarkitty: Cathedral of Toledo.
pilarkitty: Ryan and I took the tourist train outside of the city walls and got this amazing view of this storybook town.
pilarkitty: Another breathtaking view of Toledo from outside the city walls.
pilarkitty: All of the streets in Toledo were very narrow and were covered in canvas for shade and to protect people from the elements.
pilarkitty: DSC_0079
pilarkitty: Every place in the city was absolutely picturesque.
pilarkitty: We right right inside the city walls, but had to continue up the gigantic hill to get to the center of town.
pilarkitty: Toledo's city walls and traffic circle.
pilarkitty: We encountered a protest outside of our hotel. http://www.france24.com/en/20130512-spains-indignants-retake-streets-second-anniversary
pilarkitty: More protest shots.
pilarkitty: Less sausage, more eggs.
pilarkitty: Sausage!
pilarkitty: More protest shots.
pilarkitty: A girl looks at Ryan with the stink eye during the protest march.
pilarkitty: Enjoying some Churros on our first day in Spain.
pilarkitty: Pilar!!!!
pilarkitty: This is the main shopping district in Madrid. It was way nicer than a crappy US mall.
pilarkitty: Jetlagged.
pilarkitty: Right off the plane and to the Royal Palace.
pilarkitty: Plaza Mayor.
pilarkitty: Apartments.
pilarkitty: A view of the city of Segovia from the Alcazar.