“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Beyond fence and roofs rise mountains
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Today breaks bright red
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: In our January garden vivid colors
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Geranium ~ between leaf and roof new growth
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Black and white 'stract
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Yes! It came down in buckets!
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: The roof tiles were shiny wet
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Everything was wet! Leaves, trunk, dove!
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: The Red Umbrella
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: This rose hip is so red
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Across from my balcony at night
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Taken from my balcony at night
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Between the showers sun and shadows
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Later on it's raining lightly again
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Pavement's dry when the bus leaves
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: The Great Outdoors Mosaic
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Patiently waiting
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Camellia in the sun
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: A bridge between my eyeglass lenses
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Slats and shadows
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Shadows dance on a white cup