“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: A bottle with a red straw
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: A setting sun warms the scene
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Surf and sand at the beach
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: If you wear them, you'll see!
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: This Cadbury bar is milk chocolate
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Not the moon shining, it's Venus!
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Ginger ~ I can never get enough
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Kids having fun flying their kites
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Paperbark shredded
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Tree fern fronds & their shadows
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Rothco on the roof
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Corner where the sun don't shine 214/215
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Sunshine cascades down the stairwell wall
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: In the spotlight 110/215
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: 2003 Sandhill crane poem, afterword
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Playing with peppers
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Stucco 'n' clear blue sky
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: The bottom sheet on my bed
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: A colorful puzzle 5/215
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Morning at my window
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Chair 'n' carpet abstract
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: At the beach 67/215
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: Seasons in southern California 48/215
“In Memoriam:” Pik Pix: A weathered railing