Pikes On Bikes: Descending to Laguna Verde
Pikes On Bikes: Laguna Verde and Volcan Laguna Verde
Pikes On Bikes: Camping amongst the pumice stone
Pikes On Bikes: Packing up camp in the pumice stone
Pikes On Bikes: The Tres Cruces massif
Pikes On Bikes: The walk to Tres Cruces base camp
Pikes On Bikes: Base camp at 4700m on Tres Cruces
Pikes On Bikes: Through the fresh snow on Tres Cruces Central
Pikes On Bikes: Tres Cruces Sur, from 6200m on Tres Cruces Central
Pikes On Bikes: The summit crater ridge on Tres Cruces Central (6630m)
Pikes On Bikes: The summit of Tres Cruces Central (6630m)
Pikes On Bikes: The summit crater ridge on Tres Cruces Central (6630m)
Pikes On Bikes: Tres Cruces Sur (6750m), on the descent from Tres Cruces Central (6630m)
Pikes On Bikes: Tres Cruces Sur (6750m) on the descent from Tres Cruces Central (6630m)
Pikes On Bikes: Descending Tres Cruces Central, aiming at Tres Cruces Sur
Pikes On Bikes: Descending to Tres Cruces high camp
Pikes On Bikes: Beginning the climb to Tres Cruces Sur (6750m)
Pikes On Bikes: Slow going through the boulders at 6500m on Tres Cruces Sur
Pikes On Bikes: The steep boulder field (6550m) before the 'gate' through the rock band on Tres Cruces Sur
Pikes On Bikes: The 'gate' through the rock band at 6600m on Tres Cruces Sur
Pikes On Bikes: Through the rock band at 6600m on Tres Cruces Sur
Pikes On Bikes: Nearing the top of the rock band (6630m) on Tres Cruces Sur
Pikes On Bikes: The top of the rock band (6640m) on Tres Cruces Sur
Pikes On Bikes: The 'summit' of Tres Cruces Sur (6750m)
Pikes On Bikes: The true summit of Tres Cruces Sur?
Pikes On Bikes: The summit of Tres Cruces Sur
Pikes On Bikes: Descending the rock band on Tres Cruces Sur
Pikes On Bikes: Descending the rock band on Tres Cruces Sur
Pikes On Bikes: At 6600m on Tres Cruces Sur
Pikes On Bikes: Descending through the boulders at 6500m on Tres Cruces Sur