Pikes On Bikes: Local wildlife of Mendoza
Pikes On Bikes: Descending towards Malargue
Pikes On Bikes: Sandy old Ruta 40
Pikes On Bikes: The old Ruta 40
Pikes On Bikes: Another bad stretch on the old Ruta 40
Pikes On Bikes: In the south of Mendoza Province
Pikes On Bikes: The boss is the one with the bell
Pikes On Bikes: Pretty much the only sign of life we saw one day on the old Ruta 40
Pikes On Bikes: Big Gauchito Gil Shrine on the way to Mendoza
Pikes On Bikes: Las Veguitas, Cordon del Plata
Pikes On Bikes: View from the summit of Cerro Stepanek
Pikes On Bikes: Upper Vallecitos valley, from the summit of Adolfo Calle
Pikes On Bikes: On the summit of Adolfo Calle (4,269m)
Pikes On Bikes: Nearing the summit of Cerro Plata (5,962m)
Pikes On Bikes: Descending from the Cordon del Plata
Pikes On Bikes: Lunch by the Potrerillos reservoir
Pikes On Bikes: Autumn colours in Potrerillos
Pikes On Bikes: Difunta Correa shrine
Pikes On Bikes: Uspallata Valley
Pikes On Bikes: Haciendo dedo on the way to Parque Nacional El Leoncito