Adventures of Wolfie:
Kuskanax Creek
Adventures of Wolfie:
Kuskanax Creek
Adventures of Wolfie:
Kuskanax Creek
Adventures of Wolfie:
Kuskanax Creek
Adventures of Wolfie:
after the rain
Adventures of Wolfie:
Kuskanax Creek
Adventures of Wolfie:
Kuskanax Creek
Adventures of Wolfie:
after the rain
Adventures of Wolfie:
after the rain
Adventures of Wolfie:
after the rain
Adventures of Wolfie:
historic trail to the Vulture Mine
Adventures of Wolfie:
after the rain
Adventures of Wolfie:
mountain spring
Adventures of Wolfie:
along the carpenter creek forestry road
Adventures of Wolfie:
historic trail to the Vulture Mine
Adventures of Wolfie:
historic trail to the Vulture Mine
Adventures of Wolfie:
along the carpenter creek forestry road
Adventures of Wolfie:
off to work we go
Adventures of Wolfie:
historic trail to the Vulture Mine
Adventures of Wolfie:
historic trail to the Vulture Mine
Adventures of Wolfie:
mountain flowers
Adventures of Wolfie:
mountain spring
Adventures of Wolfie:
mushrooms ;)
Adventures of Wolfie:
robins nest
Adventures of Wolfie:
views from the Vulture Mine
Adventures of Wolfie:
views from the Vulture Mine... We've been busy clearing the historic trail... Almost done, few more sections to clear
Adventures of Wolfie:
all smiles at the vuluture mine
Adventures of Wolfie:
Adventures of Wolfie:
valley view
Adventures of Wolfie:
creek side