Adventures of Wolfie: Hot tub❄️
Adventures of Wolfie: Just relax'n by the fire
Adventures of Wolfie: blue sky and cold mountain air
Adventures of Wolfie: Sushi for lunch
Adventures of Wolfie: Overlooking the SunPeaks village
Adventures of Wolfie: A few runs in the trees
Adventures of Wolfie: Chilly morning
Adventures of Wolfie: SunPeaks alpine trail map...Think it maybe a short day on the mountain with the extremely cold temps... our cabin is close to P1
Adventures of Wolfie: Maya says have fun snowboarding guys, I'll say here in the cabin ;)
Adventures of Wolfie: Good Morning from SunPeaks... It's a chilly one out there
Adventures of Wolfie: Tonight's sunset
Adventures of Wolfie: Late day walk
Adventures of Wolfie: livin' in up... dream home
Adventures of Wolfie: At the cabins
Adventures of Wolfie: Wahoo... Maya likes this place