Pig Monkey: Avagdu Preps at the Trailhead
Pig Monkey: Kevin Marks the Trailhead on the GPS
Pig Monkey: Kevin and Avagdu on Trail
Pig Monkey: Kevin and Avagdu on Trail
Pig Monkey: Avagdu Crosses a Creek
Pig Monkey: Kevin Negotiates the River Crossing
Pig Monkey: Avagdu Crosses the River
Pig Monkey: Avagdu Filters Water
Pig Monkey: Three Packs
Pig Monkey: Avagdu Filming
Pig Monkey: Avagdu Films Kevin
Pig Monkey: Red Mountain
Pig Monkey: Avagdu Approaches Blowdown
Pig Monkey: Kevin and Avagdu Observe the First Patches of Snow
Pig Monkey: Waiting for Avagdu
Pig Monkey: Approaching the Top
Pig Monkey: Avagdu Preps for More Snow
Pig Monkey: Avagdu Dons Pack
Pig Monkey: Kevin and Avagdu Traverse Snow
Pig Monkey: Mt. Rainier Far to the South
Pig Monkey: View to the South
Pig Monkey: Avagdu and Sloan Peak
Pig Monkey: Kevin and Avagdu on Pilot Ridge
Pig Monkey: Avagdu and Kevin on Slippery Snow
Pig Monkey: Pilot Ridge
Pig Monkey: Kevin and Avagdu Leave the Trees
Pig Monkey: Kevin and Avagdu Leave the Trees
Pig Monkey: Evening on Pilot Ridge
Pig Monkey: Avagdu Films
Pig Monkey: Snow and Clouds