pigdump: Port Wemyss (Islay) phonebox by the sea
pigdump: Port Wemyss Lighthouse
pigdump: Port Wemyss Street
pigdump: On the way to Portnahaven
pigdump: Old barn in Port Wemyss
pigdump: Road into town (Port Wemyss)
pigdump: James MacLean in Port Wemyss
pigdump: the girls by the phonebox
pigdump: Portnahaven
pigdump: The local in Portnahaven
pigdump: Snug bar in Port Askaig
pigdump: Round church in Bowmore
pigdump: Port Charlotte
pigdump: Sheep dog - on the lam?
pigdump: Some of Farmer Brown's beauties
pigdump: Laurie alone with a "horny" Taurus
pigdump: The handsome farmer leaps to the rescue
pigdump: Farmer Brown to the rescue
pigdump: Staggering away from the bull
pigdump: Octomore cow
pigdump: View from Octomore to Port Charlotte
pigdump: Full moon on Islay
pigdump: Dark sky and moon moonlight
pigdump: Moon over Port Charlotte
pigdump: Before dinner at Octomore Farm
pigdump: Spontaneous Pub Music
pigdump: Opening of the Tattoo/Fringe parade, Edinburgh
pigdump: Ferry to Islay
pigdump: Scottish daisies
pigdump: Islay crows