pigdump: Gonna have to shovel paths tomorrow
pigdump: Cedars as the snow begins again
pigdump: My car after the drive through a snow globe
pigdump: Could just open the door
pigdump: Shovelling is in my future
pigdump: Remember last night? Now this!
pigdump: Cedar in snow
pigdump: Tomorrow looks like a shovel day
pigdump: Deck view as night storm finally ends
pigdump: Deck view first light after storm
pigdump: Snow is over my knee
pigdump: Where's the woodpile?
pigdump: View though white birch
pigdump: Neighbour's cottage
pigdump: Ominous view
pigdump: White pine white snow
pigdump: Trees and lake covered overnight
pigdump: Ominous sky after overnight snow
pigdump: More snow overnight on my car
pigdump: View down my driveway
pigdump: View up the road
pigdump: Getting set to shovel
pigdump: Path to propane tank
pigdump: Paths to woodpile and propane tank
pigdump: Clear path to feed birds
pigdump: Clear path on deck
pigdump: Sun trying to come out
pigdump: Car is clear
pigdump: Deck is clear