pigdump: Ice, snow deck detail
pigdump: Ice, snow deck detail
pigdump: Mound of ice and snow on deck
pigdump: Panorama of 5 dead mice
pigdump: Buried tree
pigdump: Corner cottage
pigdump: Buried propane tank
pigdump: Side cottage view
pigdump: The View...still snow packed
pigdump: Front of cottage snow
pigdump: Two of five dead mice
pigdump: Three of five dead mice
pigdump: Five dead mice
pigdump: Woodpile still completely buried
pigdump: So. Much. Snow.
pigdump: What I saw when I got to the cottage
pigdump: Icy driveway
pigdump: The man telling me it will only be 2 more minutes
pigdump: Trained again
pigdump: This is the half way point of train