pigdump: My first meal of 2013
pigdump: The week after
pigdump: Better than Percocet!
pigdump: Second City?
pigdump: Pinky and Boo in the Shining
pigdump: Christmas put away for another year
pigdump: I wish I could say "Idle no more..."
pigdump: Jealous kitty
pigdump: Me and my sling
pigdump: Homemade hot sauce from Trini-Tobago!
pigdump: Dinner at Nancy's
pigdump: Nope. Still idle #idlenomore
pigdump: FilterQueen
pigdump: Margarete and I at the Queen and Beaver
pigdump: Cat block
pigdump: This is my life these days
pigdump: A new sling
pigdump: Great graffiti on Dupont by Spadina
pigdump: Sling in a sink
pigdump: Cardinals in the bush
pigdump: Cranking up the old vinyl
pigdump: It's time...
pigdump: Boo up close
pigdump: YouTube birds!!!
pigdump: Piping in the haggis
pigdump: Boo discovers the Aquarium channel
pigdump: Getting ready
pigdump: Waiting for TTC on St. Clair west
pigdump: Light and power
pigdump: Outside my office window on a grey day