pigdump: Snow drifts on the lake
pigdump: March 25th, storm begins
pigdump: March 25th, beginning of another winter storm.
pigdump: View from office window
pigdump: I will never see grass again
pigdump: Blowing snow art
pigdump: More firewood, just in time!
pigdump: Car garage thingy
pigdump: Enough of the roof drifts already!
pigdump: Deeper snow for the redpolls
pigdump: Snowy bird feeder
pigdump: Pinky ever hopeful
pigdump: Snowy window
pigdump: Snow getting worse
pigdump: Dock drift
pigdump: Heavy snow on deck
pigdump: Bird and snowy feeder
pigdump: Drift on the lake
pigdump: This started back on November 28, 2007...
pigdump: Drifts a-plenty
pigdump: Pinky's paw prints
pigdump: Still more snow into the night
pigdump: Still coming down at night
pigdump: Office window at night
pigdump: Redpoll up close
pigdump: Snow getting higher and higher
pigdump: Drifts and 8 inches of snow
pigdump: This morning's aftermath
pigdump: Last night's drifts
pigdump: Please let this be the end!