pierre_et_nelly: Carrion crow (corvus corone)
pierre_et_nelly: Jackdaw (corvus monedula)
pierre_et_nelly: Roseate tern (sterna dougallii dougallii)
pierre_et_nelly: At Lajes harbour (IV)
pierre_et_nelly: At Lajes harbour (III)
pierre_et_nelly: At Lajes harbour (I)
pierre_et_nelly: At Lajes harbour (II)
pierre_et_nelly: Two baby blackbirds
pierre_et_nelly: Exploration
pierre_et_nelly: Herring gulls (larus argentatus)
pierre_et_nelly: Rook (corvus frugilegus)
pierre_et_nelly: Rook (corvus frugilegus)
pierre_et_nelly: Portrait of a carrion crow (corvus corone)
pierre_et_nelly: Carrion crow (corvus corone)
pierre_et_nelly: Sparrow (passer domesticus), male
pierre_et_nelly: Portrait of a young swan (cygnus olor)
pierre_et_nelly: Sparrow (passer domesticus), female
pierre_et_nelly: Female sparrow
pierre_et_nelly: Encounter with a Himalayan vulture (Gyps himalayensis)
pierre_et_nelly: Great shearwater (puffinus gravis)
pierre_et_nelly: Mallard (anas platyrhynchos), female
pierre_et_nelly: Mallard (anas platyrhynchos), male
pierre_et_nelly: Eastern white pelicans (pelecanus onocrotalus)
pierre_et_nelly: Red-crested pochards (netta rufina)
pierre_et_nelly: Carrion crow (corvus corone)
pierre_et_nelly: Mallard (anas platyrhynchos)
pierre_et_nelly: Carrion crow (corvus corone)
pierre_et_nelly: Starlings taking a bath in a puddle
pierre_et_nelly: Ravens in Hyde Park
pierre_et_nelly: "Kindly leave, this is my pole"