pierre_et_nelly: Risso's dolphin jumping (Grampus griseus)
pierre_et_nelly: Dolphin & remora
pierre_et_nelly: Human watching
pierre_et_nelly: Risso's Dolphin
pierre_et_nelly: Swimming with dolphins
pierre_et_nelly: Three spotted dolphins (stenella frontalis)
pierre_et_nelly: Six spotted dolphins (stenella frontalis)
pierre_et_nelly: Spotted dolphins (stenella frontalis)
pierre_et_nelly: Spotted dolphins (stenella frontalis)
pierre_et_nelly: Common dolphins (delphinus delphis)
pierre_et_nelly: Spotted dolphins (stenella frontalis)
pierre_et_nelly: Risso's Dolphin (grampus griseus)
pierre_et_nelly: Common Dolphin (delphinus delphis)
pierre_et_nelly: Watching dolphins
pierre_et_nelly: Spotted dolphins (stenella frontalis)
pierre_et_nelly: Spotted dolphins (stenella frontalis)
pierre_et_nelly: Dolphin & remora
pierre_et_nelly: Common dolphin (delphinus delphis)
pierre_et_nelly: Dolphin's head
pierre_et_nelly: Striped dolphins (stenella coeruleoalba)
pierre_et_nelly: Striped dolphins (stenella coeruleoalba)
pierre_et_nelly: Spotted dolphins
pierre_et_nelly: Striped dolphins (stenella coeruleoalba)
pierre_et_nelly: Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis)
pierre_et_nelly: Spotted dolphin (stenella frontalis)
pierre_et_nelly: Risso's dolphins (grampus griseus)
pierre_et_nelly: Mother and calf (spotted dolphins, stenella frontalis)
pierre_et_nelly: Pilot whale
pierre_et_nelly: Young common dolphin (delphinus delphis)