pierofix: Negative Waterfall Explosion
pierofix: Negative on Candle Light
pierofix: Polaroid Pogo Transfer
pierofix: Wide Streamers Attack
pierofix: Hi Jungle Rabbit!
pierofix: Little Distance
pierofix: Wondering if that Cloud is Wondering About Me
pierofix: (Nature in Nature) in Nature
pierofix: The Speed of Balance
pierofix: Faaast
pierofix: Welcome Lomo FishEye
pierofix: The Most Extreme Bokeh Ever: Stars at Night in a Portrait from the Past
pierofix: Starting to Focus Another Christmas
pierofix: Luci Pallose
pierofix: Back to Back
pierofix: Libertà di Guardarsi Attorno
pierofix: Long Exposure Night (Live in Udine) #3
pierofix: Long Exposure Night (Live in Udine) #2
pierofix: Checcùbo! :-O
pierofix: i'll Phone
pierofix: South Looking, North Reflection
pierofix: Chord
pierofix: A rose after the rain
pierofix: gang
pierofix: Trying not to speak in the ears of wheat
pierofix: E ancora rischio di perdermi
pierofix: Up! Up! (Far East Film Festival 10 - 2008)
pierofix: Spring Gertru #1
pierofix: The Gold in Nature
pierofix: Profondo Archivio di Lavori