c {pp}: Lily the baby
c {pp}: lily looking interested
c {pp}: lily pretending to be a lion
c {pp}: lily and her sheepy pal
c {pp}: lily scrunching her nose
c {pp}: lily sleeping in her pram
c {pp}: hands
c {pp}: lily checking out her new friend
c {pp}: my friends
c {pp}: lily conveying, 'huh'
c {pp}: maia seeing what the next stage is..
c {pp}: sharp eyes
c {pp}: B&L
c {pp}: anything going on i should know about?
c {pp}: sisterly love
c {pp}: just hatched
c {pp}: snug in use
c {pp}: newborn with roses
c {pp}: _MG_2015-2
c {pp}: one day old
c {pp}: giggle
c {pp}: blue-eyed girl