c {pp}: more pretty things
c {pp}: fly meet daisy
c {pp}: stems
c {pp}: pink roses
c {pp}: diamonte studs
c {pp}: flowers
c {pp}: purple haze
c {pp}: flower of the sun
c {pp}: flowers in the mountains
c {pp}: pick your own flowers
c {pp}: cornfields
c {pp}: experimenting with HDR
c {pp}: wedding bouquet
c {pp}: stem and flower bum
c {pp}: can you smell them?
c {pp}: trying to escape
c {pp}: rose in green vase
c {pp}: view from the plane
c {pp}: fern leaves
c {pp}: leafy leafy
c {pp}: sun setting over the sea and some islands
c {pp}: sun rising over the sea
c {pp}: over exposed flower head
c {pp}: rose crevasses
c {pp}: on black
c {pp}: fuschia veins
c {pp}: dancing steymen
c {pp}: catkins?
c {pp}: i wish i had my tripod
c {pp}: at natures' level