Moore Musings: Fenway yay!
Moore Musings: Fenway!
Moore Musings: take the T
Moore Musings: I like baseball
Moore Musings: velcro & laces
Moore Musings: holy cannoli!
Moore Musings: green monster!
Moore Musings: mmmmm ice cream
Moore Musings: yum, yum, and drool
Moore Musings: kick ass cupcakes
Moore Musings: green monster cupcake
Moore Musings: where's walt
Moore Musings: Enter here and feel your brain swell
Moore Musings: (not) John hahvahd
Moore Musings: hahvahd chapel
Moore Musings: hahvahd theatah
Moore Musings: hahvahd theatah
Moore Musings: hahvahd theatah
Moore Musings: Hahvahd
Moore Musings: Hahvahd