Piedmont Fossil: Fort Lincoln
Piedmont Fossil: Fort Lincoln
Piedmont Fossil: Fort Lincoln
Piedmont Fossil: Tree Hunting
Piedmont Fossil: Tree Hunting
Piedmont Fossil: Selecting the Tree
Piedmont Fossil: Chopping Down the Tree
Piedmont Fossil: Chopping Down the Tree
Piedmont Fossil: Dragging the Tree
Piedmont Fossil: Dragging the Tree
Piedmont Fossil: Bob and Whit
Piedmont Fossil: Dragging the Tree
Piedmont Fossil: The Girls and their Trophy Tree
Piedmont Fossil: Bob of the Pioneer Brigade
Piedmont Fossil: Bob of the Pioneer Brigade
Piedmont Fossil: Trimming the Base
Piedmont Fossil: Trimming the Base
Piedmont Fossil: Taking the Outdoors Indoors
Piedmont Fossil: Setting Up The Tree
Piedmont Fossil: Setting Up The Tree
Piedmont Fossil: Setting Up The Tree
Piedmont Fossil: The Tree Is Up!
Piedmont Fossil: What do you mean the tree is leaning?
Piedmont Fossil: The Girls and Guys
Piedmont Fossil: All Decorated!
Piedmont Fossil: Window Treatment
Piedmont Fossil: Cold Gray Sky
Piedmont Fossil: Warm Christmas Cheer
Piedmont Fossil: Pat's Birthday Surprise!
Piedmont Fossil: Pat's Birthday Surprise!