pieceoplastic: We were only semi-welcome (or: a camera break-down to start with ... argh)
pieceoplastic: Bataclan
pieceoplastic: Les capitalistes vivent au-dessus de nos moyens
pieceoplastic: fais la guerre dans ton coeur
pieceoplastic: À la bonne bierre is already open again
pieceoplastic: Santa present at the place to b (near the ben&jerry fridge)
pieceoplastic: Artcop21
pieceoplastic: Did I post that one? Ou dois je voter?
pieceoplastic: The elections are over
pieceoplastic: The guru
pieceoplastic: Prime interview spot
pieceoplastic: Pigeon drone incoming
pieceoplastic: Fossilfree Culture: The climate angels arrived. A clever distraction.
pieceoplastic: Fossilfree Culture: Military police are ready
pieceoplastic: Fossilfree Culture: Umbrella tactics
pieceoplastic: Fossilfree Culture: Pan
pieceoplastic: Fossilfree Culture: Climate Angels
pieceoplastic: The head of better
pieceoplastic: Fossilfree Culture: One cop braving us
pieceoplastic: Fossilfree Culture: Free Our Power
pieceoplastic: Are they making it out?
pieceoplastic: Fossilfree Culture: Angry lady
pieceoplastic: Fossilfree Culture: Jittery pan
pieceoplastic: Fossilfree Culture: Leaving the confines
pieceoplastic: The long view with a fluffy microphone
pieceoplastic: Fossilfree Culture: Eni, Total au revoir. It's raining petri dollars
pieceoplastic: Fossilfree Culture: Tortuga
pieceoplastic: Not afraid - Avoir peur c'est mourir un peu
pieceoplastic: Ahh un ptit verre de champagne