piecebypiece: IVC mural fabrication
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece artisan Guadalupe with Volunteer Julie
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece artisans Jaime, Victor and Juan
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece artistan Ninive
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece artisan Jose
piecebypiece: Piecing together Panel 3
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece artisan Carola
piecebypiece: Close-up of Panel 4
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece artisans Guadalupe and Deborah working with Instructor Assistant Bea Jones
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece artisans Juan and Hugo
piecebypiece: Primordial soup in Panel 2. Handmade tiles.
piecebypiece: Panel 5 "sun" contains mandmade materials from arrowheads to springs and a saw blade.
piecebypiece: Program Director Dawn Mendelson discussing design with Piece by Piece artisans.
piecebypiece: Volunteer Gale with Instructor Assistant Bea Jones
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece artisans in front of their beautiful "Entangled Bank" mural.
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece artisans and instructors with founder Sophie Alpert at Dedication Event.
piecebypiece: Enthusiastic attendees at Dedication Event for Life Sciences Building
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece artisan with his Certificate of Completion for his work on the mural.
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece artisans with their Certificates of Completion for their work on the "Entangled Bank" mural.
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece instructor Leigh Adams with volunteers Belinda and Gale
piecebypiece: Piece by Piece artisans enjoying refreshments at dedication event/
piecebypiece: Mural installed inside Life Sciences Building Lobby
piecebypiece: Mural installed inside Life Sciences Building Lobby