piecebypiece: Victor
piecebypiece: Jose and Carole
piecebypiece: Jose E
piecebypiece: Victor J and Carola
piecebypiece: Hugo S
piecebypiece: Deborah
piecebypiece: Second flower applied
piecebypiece: First flower applied
piecebypiece: Artist Carole working on leaf
piecebypiece: Hugo working on leaf
piecebypiece: Artists working on leaf
piecebypiece: Iris leaf group photo
piecebypiece: Hilda, Juan and Jose
piecebypiece: Leigh and Hilda
piecebypiece: Victor applying flower
piecebypiece: Finished leaf with everyone
piecebypiece: Doing a little of the back side
piecebypiece: Tiger Lily leaf, in progress
piecebypiece: Iris leaf
piecebypiece: Fuscia leaf
piecebypiece: Poppy leaf
piecebypiece: Sunflower leaf
piecebypiece: Morning Glory leaf
piecebypiece: Calla Lily leaf
piecebypiece: Magnolia leaf
piecebypiece: Arrival of the Grout!
piecebypiece: Volunteer Stephen
piecebypiece: Artist Hugo S