Clint the Canuck: PICT0003.JPG
Clint the Canuck: Perfect day
Clint the Canuck: PICT0031.JPG
Clint the Canuck: Blow down
Clint the Canuck: PICT0060.JPG
Clint the Canuck: PICT0065.JPG
Clint the Canuck: Jackie and Clint
Clint the Canuck: Austin and Becca
Clint the Canuck: PICT0071.JPG
Clint the Canuck: Ellise relaxing
Clint the Canuck: PICT0072.JPG
Clint the Canuck: Jerry and Clint
Clint the Canuck: BWCA Rascals / minus Jackie (taking the photo)
Clint the Canuck: Bruised arms, inflated self-worth
Clint the Canuck: Conquered!