picturetker: Reds vs White Sox_0112
picturetker: Reds vs White Sox_0103
picturetker: Reds vs White Sox_0133
picturetker: Reds vs White Sox_0107
picturetker: Reds vs White Sox_0125
picturetker: Reds vs White Sox_0135
picturetker: Reds vs White Sox_0118
picturetker: Reds vs White Sox_0113
picturetker: Reds vs White Sox_0117
picturetker: Reds vs White Sox_0109
picturetker: Reds vs White Sox_0146
picturetker: Reds vs White Sox_0152
picturetker: From the hotel room
picturetker: Orioles vs. Rangers
picturetker: Runner rounding first
picturetker: Rounding first!
picturetker: Before contact
picturetker: Out at first
picturetker: Camden Yard: Orioles vs. Rangers
picturetker: Running to first
picturetker: BaltimoreLaborDay09_0172
picturetker: Personal Security